Nola leheneratu ezabatutako argazkiak Android telefonoetatik

Nola leheneratu ezabatutako argazkiak Android telefonoetatik

How to Recover Photos from Android phones?

Format the SD card carelessly, accidentally delete some perfect family photos, pictures suddenly become inaccessible… Things like this happen occasionally. So many people wondered if there was a way to restore deleted or lost photos from an Android phone? Actually, If the card is not physically damaged, you can get them back without any quality loss.

Android Datuak berreskuratzea Android gailuetatik galdutako argazkiak, baita mezuak, kontaktuak eta bideoak ere leheneratu ditzakezu.

Now, download the free trial version of Android Data Recovery on your computer and try to recover your photos.

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Easy steps to recover deleted photos from Android

Step 1. Run the program and connect your Android device to your computer

Download, install and run the program on your computer. select the “ Android Datuak berreskuratzea â aukera, gero konektatu zure Android gailua ordenagailura.

Android Datuak berreskuratzea

Oharrak: If the software can’t detect your phone, make sure you install the driver on your computer first, then you can restart your phone and connect it to the software again.

Step 2. enable USB debugging

If your device can be detected by the program, you can directly skip to the next step. If not, you’ll get the window below and need to enable USB debugging on your device at first.

There are three different ways to finish this job for different Android system below:

  • 1) For Android 2.3 edo zaharragoa : Enter “Settings” < Click “Applications” < Click “Development” < Check “USB debugging”
  • 2) For Android 3.0 to 4.1 : Sartu “Ezarpenak†< Sakatu “Garatzaileen aukerak†< Egiaztatu “USB arazketaâ€
  • 3) For Android 4.2 or newer : Enter “Settings” < Click “About Phone” < Tap “Build number” for several times until getting a note “You are under developer mode” < Back to “Settings” < Click “Developer options” < Check “USB debugging”

konektatu Android ordenagailura

Step 3. Scan your Android device

In the next window, you can select the file type “ Gallery “, click “ Hurrengoa ” to let the program analyze your phone, then you can select the scanning mode that’s right for you: “ Standard mode “edo“ Advanced mode “.

Hautatu Android-etik berreskuratu nahi duzun fitxategia

Ohar: Before you start, please make sure that the battery is more than 20%.

After analyzing your device, you can scan your device for lost photos, messages, contacts, and video now. Now, you have to go back to your device to click the “ Baimendu ” button on the screen to enable the computer to scan your phone for lost data.

Step 4. Preview and restore photos from Android

After scanning, the window will show you all the data found. You can preview all your pictures, as well as contacts and messages in the scan result. Then mark the data you want to restore and click the “ Berreskuratu ” button to save them on your computer.

fitxategiak berreskuratu Android-etik

More information about MobePas Android Datuak berreskuratzea

The World’s 1st Data Recovery Software for Android Smartphones

  • Directly retrieve deleted SMS text messages and contacts
  • Berreskuratu Android gailu barruko SD txarteletatik ezabatzeagatik, fabrikako ezarpenak berreskuratzeagatik, ROM keinuagatik, errotik ateratzeagatik, etab. galdutako argazkiak eta bideoak.
  • Support multiple Android phones and tablets, like Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, and so forth
  • Preview & selectively recover messages, contacts, and photos before recovery
  • Only read and recover the data, no personal info leaking

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Nola leheneratu ezabatutako argazkiak Android telefonoetatik
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