Nasihun Farko na Android

Yadda ake Buga Saƙonnin rubutu daga Android akan Kwamfuta

Want to find an easy way to print your Android phone text messages? Hope to recover your deleted messages? It’s pretty simple. Follow the tutorial and you’ll find that you can not only print existing SMS from your Android but also can print those messages that you have deleted on Android phones. Now, let’s check […]

Yadda ake Buga Saƙonnin rubutu daga Samsung zuwa Kwamfuta

Do you often face the problem of lacking storage on your Samsung phone because of too many text messages? However, most of the text messages are those we are reluctant to delete in view of a good memory. The best way to deal with this problem is to print the text messages from Samsung to […]

Yadda ake Mai da Lambobi daga Wayar Android da ta karye

This is a big headache for Android users to lost their contacts from a broken Android phone because it will cost you a lot to identify those missing phone numbers and add them one by one. To solve this problem, Android Data Recovery is the ideal recovery helper for you. It helps to extract and scan […]

Android Tablet Data Recovery: Recover Lost Data from Android Tablet

The larger screen means a better experience of reading and video playing, that’s why a tablet is created. Through a tablet, you can easily roam web pages without zooming in or out repeatedly and see more detailed images on pictures or videos. Due to that and lower price, the Android tablet is gaining more Market […]

Yadda za a Mai da Deleted Data daga Samsung

Want to recover your Samsung data in a simple way? Accidentally deleted messages or contacts on your Samsung handset? Or lost photos from the SD card on your Android device? Don’t worry! Android Data Recovery program can solve your problem. As the deleted files still remain intact until that data is not overwritten by any […]

Yadda ake Mai da Batattu Takardu daga Android

Lots of Android users like to store valuable documents on Android devices, hence it is important to ensure document security. Have you ever had the experience of losing important documents on your Android mobile phone? A reliable document recovery tool can keep you away from this terrible experience. This tutorial is going to recommend the […]

Yadda ake Mai da Deleted Audio Files daga Wayar Android

Android mobile phone is convenient for users to take photos, record audio, and videos to record happy and precious memories. Save so many audio files on an Android phone and let you enjoy them everywhere and anytime and anywhere. However, if you realize that you have deleted or lost some or all of the audio […]

Yadda ake Mai da Deleted Photos daga Android SD Card

We know that SD cards are widely used in portable devices like digital cameras, PDAs, multimedia players, and others. Many people use Android phones that feel that the memory capacity is small, so we will add an SD card to expand the capacity so that we can store more data. Many Android users will store […]

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